How to boost indoor air quality for your newborn baby

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Have you ever taking a step back and thought about how much time your child spends inside? Most young children under 24 months spend about 90 per cent of their time indoors, but research claims that air can be two to five times more contaminated than it is outdoors. 

Babies are more likely to be affected by indoor air pollution as their immune system is still developing. Also, exposure to these contaminants can lead to several health issues such as irritation of the nose, eyes and throat, dizziness, headaches, fatigue, and even asthma. 

Don't worry; you can protect your child from these pollutants by implementing a few simple methods to make indoor air healthier. 

Select the Right Bedding 

The primary purpose of bedding is to keep your baby warm at night, but selecting the right bedding will also protect them from air contaminants such as dust particles, pollen, and mould. When selecting a mattress, go for a latex foam instead of a fibrous one. Stick to organic bedding to limit dust mites that newborns can inhale while asleep. 

When washing bedding always select a chemical and perfume-free detergent so that fumes associated with the soaps won't irritate your baby's throat. Use hot water to clean bedding is the best way to eliminate dust mites if any. 

Purify Indoor Air 

An easy way to reduce indoor air pollution is to have an air purification system. You can purchase an air purifier to fit almost and requirements and budget. However, Pansonic ECONAVI Reverse Cycler air conditions are designed with a revolutionary ability to enhance air quality with its unique air purification system. 

Panasonic's nanoe-G system eliminates micro-organisms, removing up to 99% of particle pollution and airborne particles like mould, bacteria and viruses.

This technology is also able to catch and deactivate bacteria and viruses trapped inside the unit filter and on surfaces, delivering a healthier and cleaner home environment. It also deodorises adhesives.

Say No to Toxic Paints 

There are still some many paints and finishes on the market that continue to emit toxic chemicals even years after application. These chemicals include a variety of volatile organic compounds that can lead to short and long-term adverse health effects. Make sure you purchase VOC-free paints, so your child doesn't inhale toxic fumes when sleeping. 

Reduce Pet Dander 

Like humans, pets will shed dead skin cells and hair, that can affect your baby's lungs and sinus health. Regularly grooming your pets can help reduce the spread of dander around your home as you can't stop your pets from shedding altogether. Don't forget to frequently wash pet bedding to limit the spread of dander. 

Most people aren't aware that indoor air can be more polluted than outside air. Different allergens in indoor air can be present such as dust particles, mould, pet dander, and volatile chemicals used home cleaning products, can contribute to indoor air pollutions. While these allergens are hazardous for everyone in your home, they're a significant concern for parents as babies are more susceptible to them. However, following the steps above will help ensure your children breathe safe and clean air.

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